29 Mar 2020

2020 03 29 Christian News Bulletin

New Zealand's Christ Church Cathedral has been closed since it was partially destroyed in the earthquake in February 2011. The church had planned to demolish and rebuild a new cathedral on the site but a public campaign for re-instatement won the day. Anglican News reports that the restoration work is expected to last at least ten years, with around 100 personnel working on the site.

A 17th century church in London replaces its pews with camp beds and invites drunkards from nearby streets to sleep in its premises with the hope that they will sober up. Volunteers of St. Anne’s, which is part of the Church of England and situated in London’s Soho area, go to the streets every Friday and Saturday between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. in search of those who are vulnerable and bring them back to the church, where they are offered water and beds, just as “Jesus reached out to all people,” The Sunday Times reported.

Premier Christian News reports that the Archbishop of Canterbury has urged stockpiling shoppers to stop hoarding food, telling worshippers there is "no Christian justification" for doing so. After supermarkets in the UK  saw huge queues and rushes for staple goods such as toilet roll and tinned food, Most Reverend Justin Welby tweeted: "If you're still hoarding more food and supplies than you need, please, please stop.” "Please think of others - especially the most vulnerable, and those risking their health to look after us. Leave enough for everyone. We depend on each other."