22 Mar 2020

2020 03 22 Christian News Bulletin

In response to the continuing spread of the coronavirus around the world, many large churches are closing their doors on Sundays. Church members are encouraged to participate at home in services that are streamed online. Smaller congregations have been following special guidelines such as 'no handshakes or hugs' and collection plates are not passed around, but placed at exit doors. Churchgoers can no longer drink wine from shared chalices and church ministers are washing their hands before distributing communion.

Many churches in the UK are encouraging congregations to help vulnerable people as the coronavirus continues to spread. Premier Christian News reports that C3 Church in Cambridge has given out 3,000 flyers to its congregation to post through their neighbours' doors. The 'Love Your Neighbour' flyers offer help in response to Covid-19, offering to shop. The flyer reads: "collect groceries, speak on the phone, collect a prescription, I'm here to help!" - For those who are in self-isolation. The flyers leave space for a church member to fill in their contact details so people can call them up and request help.

According to christianheadlines.com the directors of the new faith-based film I Still Believe say fans of romantic movies will get the enchanting story they crave – yet it is told through a biblical lens that reveals the true definition of love. I Still Believe(rated PG) opened in the USA recently. The feature film tells the true story of Christian singer Jeremy Camp’s marriage to his first wife, Melissa, who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer shortly after they met.