28 Jun 2020

28Jun20 Christian News Bulletin

An Anglican church in the UK is taking the 'revolutionary' step of employing a full-time journalist. The church in Kent is advertising for a 'multi-skilled qualified journalist' to report community and church-based news. Christian Today reports the move comes as the outlook for local newspapers looks increasingly bleak. Half of the stories will focus on the local community, its people and groups, schools and new housing. The other half will focus on telling the story of the church, its people, purpose and history.

A group of clergy, scientists and other experts has released a guide to help congregations consider best practices for reopening for worship. According to Religion News Service the document recommends each congregation create a COVID‐19 Task Force to oversee preparations. Among the suggestions are: Have no physical contact. Nod instead of shaking hands. Refrain from singing. Preach shorter sermons. Mouth congregational prayers instead of speaking and maintain social distancing.

Eternity News reports that the Australian Blessing video released on YouTube is already in the top ten trending videos. Blessing videos have become a global internet sensation during the COVID lockdown as worship leaders in different countries have united across denominational lines to sing a blessing over their nation.