17 May 2020

17May20 Christian News Bulletin

A Californian church has organized an army of volunteers to repair 263,000 protective masks and deliver them to local healthcare workers. Masks have become an essential piece of personal protective equipment for frontline workers in the fight against coronavirus. According to a Press Release sent to Christian Headlines, the enormous project, which involved over 4,200 volunteers, was coordinated by the Rock Church in San Diego.

Born to an upper-class family in 1820, Florence Nightingale was expected to live a typical, domesticated life of a 19th century woman. However, after what she described as a call from God, Nightingale rejected these expectations and decided to pursue a career in nursing. Eternity News reports that in honour of Nightingale’s life, the World Health Organisation has named 2020 the first International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

Filmmaker Jon Erwin didn’t anticipate his new film would be released during a global pandemic that would lead to the rapid closure of movie theatres nationwide, but it was. Despite the setback, however, he says the movie is still leading many people to Jesus.
“Life is full of things that you can't control and things that don’t go according to plan,” Erwin, the film’s co-director, told Christian Headlines in a recent interview. “The whole theme of the movie is ‘I Still Believe even when I can't see.’ It's sort of fitting.”
“The film is designed to give people hope and give people a glimpse of the power of the Gospel and the change that it can have in your life,” Erwin said.