26 Apr 2020

2020 04 26 Christian News Bulletin

As many churches are now presenting church services online, some people are turning to resources such as  The Visual Commentary On Scripture which has a comprehensive collection of art works that could help those involved in producing church services over the internet.

The video-conferencing platform ZOOM is enabling churchgoers from different denominations to participate in prayer meetings, training sessions such as Alpha, praise and worship singalongs and even communion without leaving home, thus adhering to government mandated social distancing laws. Other cyber software apps such as Skype and GoToMeeting are also being used to maintain contact amongst believers.

According to The Christian Post, prominent pastor and author Michael Youssef has cautioned against the idea that tragedies like the coronavirus pandemic currently sweeping the world will spark a “revival,” emphasising that revival will not happen unless “the people of God remove idols from their lives.” “I’m taking the blame as much as anyone else,” Youssef said. “But we’re attached to sports and entertainment. We spend hours on entertainment and very little time in the Word of God. Until we start removing these idols, I don't see how revival can happen.”