9 Feb 2020


In Sydney, churches are urged to pray about the Corona virus. Parents often choose their church based on the children's programming available in potential churches. And UK Wolverhampton MP Stuart Anderson has revealed how going to church and finding faith after battling mental health issues helped him "see light out of the darkness."

The Sydney Anglicans newsletter reports that churches have been urged to pray about the Coronavirus outbreak and to take sensible precautions as the World Health Organisation declares a public health emergency. Archbishop Glenn Davies has written to clergy, asking churches to pray for victims, health care workers and authorities. "We acknowledge community concern about the incidences of infection in Australia and we express our sadness at the extent of the sickness, and especially the death, of many people affected by the disease in China," the Archbishop wrote. "We encourage prayer for those affected families and for governments and health care workers seeking to address and constrain the outbreak, both in China as well as in Australia.

Nearly six in 10 churchgoing Christian parents say their congregation’s children’s programming was the primary reason they chose their current church, according to a new Barna study. “[Children] carry big weight when it comes to family decisions about where to worship,” a Barna analysis of the study said. “This suggests that, for churches to attract and retain strong Christian households, children’s programming must be a key part of holistic family ministry.”

The UK's Premier Christian News reports that newly elected Wolverhampton MP Stuart Anderson has revealed how going to church and finding faith after battling mental health issues helped him "see light out of the darkness." Anderson made his first speech in the House of Commons a few weeks ago. The 43-year-old told MPs that in a moment of desperation he took his children to church, which led to him finding faith and learning to "face reality".