18 Jan 2021

17Jan21 Christian News Bulletin

In an interview broadcast last week on the Italian television station Canale 5, Pope Francis stated that “everyone” must take the COVID-19 vaccine.  According to LifeSiteNews, he said “I believe that, ethically, everyone should take the vaccine.” The Pope added that he would be taking the vaccine himself and that the Vatican will administer it to its citizens soon, remarking that “it must be done.” 

People in the Lichfield area in the UK may now go to their local cathedral to get a Covid-19 jab. On the 15th January, Lichfield Cathedral began hosting a vaccine clinic. When the Phizer vaccine was approved, the Dean of Lichfield, Very Rev Adrian Dorber, wrote to local medical practices to offer the cathedral as space for vaccinations. He said: " We want to offer this cathedral nave as a big space that can safely and securely house local vaccination programmes and enable speedy delivery to those most at risk."

Mission Network News reports that Gospel workers in Iran started noticing a trend after COVID-19 hit the country: people reported coming to Christ in 10 times the numbers they had before the pandemic. A television show, called Flourish, reaches out to Iranian women who live in an increasingly post-Islamic context. JoAnn Doyle of Uncharted Ministries says, “Most of the women are post-Islamic. They’re in this country that just is so oppressive, especially to women. But the general population is just rejecting Islam.” The rejection of Islam has led many Iranians to Christ, though atheism and other religions have grown as well. Doyle says, “These women are very open. They’re looking. Those that are coming to faith in Christ, the majority of them are women. Women are leading the way, not only in salvation but also in discipleship and leadership.”