21 Jun 2020

21Jun20 Christian News Bulletin

The Christian Post reports that along with the Royal School of Church Music, the Church of England is encouraging the UK government to be proactive to ensure making music can resume in churches once it is safe. The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, said “We are encouraging the Government to be alert to the consequences of our choirs’ continued silence – and to take a proactive approach to allowing singing to return to our churches and cathedrals as soon as it is possible to do so safely. “This way we can safeguard our choral tradition which many believe to be the finest in the world.”

A leading online evangelism ministry reached a major milestone in May by delivering its 2 billionth gospel presentation, some 15 years after it was founded by one of the original employees of Apple. Global Ministry Outreach reaches the world’s lost population through search engines and social media by targeting keywords and directing people to a website catering to their needs. Christian Headlines reports that it was founded in 2005 by Walt Wilson, who worked under Steve Jobs in the early days of Apple. Since its founding, more than 230 million people have indicated they became a Christian through the ministry.

The street in Minneapolis where George Floyd died in police custody has become a place of baptism and prayer. According to CBN News, people have posted images and videos of Christians gathering near the site, worshipping and praying.