8 Jul 2018

8Jul18 Effect of religion on life expectancy

Effect of religion on life expectancy

New research suggests that there is a surprising correlation between one’s life expectancy, and religious affiliation — or lack thereof. According to a study, reported by Faithwire, researchers at Ohio State University found that atheists’ lack of belief in the afterlife could be cutting their mortal lives short. Various samples showed that overall people of faith lived between 3 and 9 year longer than atheists. The findings of the study bolster the already prolific body of evidence, that shows the positive effect religion has on the quality and length of one’s life.

Operation Mobilisation provides vocation training

Sewing and computer training projects continue to help Pakistani young people to become skilled workers, and earn income. Operation Mobilisation reports that many graduates from their training projects in India have secured jobs in the public and private sectors. Surriya, a trainer at one of Operation Mobilization’s sewing centres, says those who have learned to sew are earning good incomes, and their honour is safe. Graduates testify that the program gives them new direction, helps them to face life’s challenges, and brings change to their community.

Gods plan for wellness

CrossLink Publishing has announced the release of a new book “God’s Plan for Wellness” by Kathleen LeSage. Christian Newswire reports that the book, in paperback and eBook formats, outlines simple steps for people to take to live a healthier life. Biblical and scientific reasons are behind how and why to approach wellness, from a godly perspective. The book includes more than 50 of the most popular recipes that have been used at LeSage's award-winning wellness retreat in the U.S.