18 Aug 2013

An introduction to spontaneous worship - podcast

sally turnerOn Songs of Hope this morning local musician Sally Turner introduced us to spontaneous worship of God through music. Here is a podcast of the segment. Her new worship piece for this week is called "Awaken the dawn" and is based on Psalm 108:
'My heart, O God, is steadfast;
I will sing and make music with all my soul.
Awake, harp and lyre! 
I will awaken the dawn' (Ps 108:1-2)

Sally has committed to creating one new spontaneous worship song each week for one year. Here is our first today. In the next 3 weeks we will play three more original pieces from Sally Turner. Sally's website is here.

Audio 2013-08-18-SallyTurner-AwakenTheDawn.mp3

Click the play button for the audio or download. Play time is 6 minutes.

Sally says of spontaneous worship: "I love the phrase 'I will awaken the dawn!'.  It speaks of a fierce determination to praise God with everything inside!  … as we praise, as we meditate on the scriptures and sing through them, mysteries will become known.  Wisdom will be released.  Understanding will go from being ethereal to tangible.  That's what this spontaneous worship thing is all about …. soaking in the mysteries of God til they become the realities of our heart!"

Godspeak website: http://songsofhope883.blogspot.com.au